Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 6

I was supposed to see Hyver today but showed up and no one was there.  I checked my papers and it showed Wednesday 8:15am, not today.  I have no idea why it was in my Google calendar but it was nice to get out in the sun nonetheless.  As I mentioned, I have been staying inside for the most part protecting my eyes.

I was going to go to work after but decided to work from home instead to avoid infection.  Some people at work have been really really sick and coming into the office with the flu.  I know the dangers of getting infected in the first week or 2 so I took an extra day away from the office. 

Distance vision sharper today.  Off the pain killers entirely - no residual pain.  Felt a little 'high' when looking at things outside.  I guess it was just the bright colors and the sharpness that I never saw before.  That has to tell me I'm on my way to 20- vision.  One setback was halos by night time in the kitchen when looking at the lights.  Best described by the following picture to the right.

No double vision or star bursts.  Love this recovery.  I couldn't be happier.  It's so funny as I am sitting here writing this I keep thinking I need to take out my contacts out before going to sleep.  But I don't have to anymore.  Wow.  I wonder how long til I take that for granted.  It's amazing.  I'm crossing fingers for a good appt tomorrow.   I've been able to still work off a computer with normal screen size and brightness.  This PRK has been nothing short of amazing. Day 6 and I don't think I've read about things getting any worse from here.

Update tomorrow on my Hyver appt!

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