I did tons of work on the computer last night and early this morning. I spent the rest of the day running around the office getting ready for the big move. Finally got home at 6:30pm and I've been working until 12:45am. I'm so burnt. I have spent more time on the computer this last week than in the last 6 months. Kind of ironic that my eyes need to take a beating now, a week after eye surgery.

The florescent light at work gets to me after awhile. Painkillers make it tolerable. I have this great leaf canopy from IKEA that I'll install at my new desk tomorrow. It should help.
Someone asked me at work what the big difference was now versus wearing contacts. I think overall my vision is so much sharper! There are so many things (like mascara, dirt, etc) that gets embedded into contacts. I was always touching my eyes and rubbing them. I never felt like my vision was ever really sharp. Now I understand why!!
I have my one month check up at my regular eye doctor in 3 weeks (so a month since the surgery). We'll see how my vision is then. I'm expecting it to be better than 20/25. I heart my new eyes. :)
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