Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2 days before surgery

So it's 1:15am on Wednesday and the insomnia I rid myself of months ago is back. The PRK surgery is at the back of my mind and it won't go away. I know deep down I'll be fine but I'm still just a little worried. These are my eyes after all...

A week ago I was sure I had glaucoma because of my field vision loss. I guess I have to trust my doctor  and trust Dr. Hyver that I will make it through the PRK surgery without any complications despite my optic nerve drusen condition. It scares me though. I can't find anything online about optic nerve drusen and PRK surgery.  But of course I've run across many negative things about getting it done.  I don't know why I torture myself like this.
I have been dreaming about seeing the world in my own eyes without contact lenses or glasses for so long. The time is here. I need to get excited...not scared. I start the antibiotic drops in the morning. Maybe part of this "insomnia" is just that I want to exhaust myself so I sleep through the first 3 days after surgery.

Last full day of work tomorrow.  I should get some rest so I'm able to finish some projects just i case I can't see the computer or go back to work on Tuesday (the day they said I could go back). Just taking precautions.  More tomorrow.

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